Gateway to Freedom: The Hidden History of the Underground Railroad [Audio]【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】
Gateway to Freedom: The Hidden History of the Underground Railroad [Audio]They are little known to history: Sydney Howard Gay, an abolitionist newspaper editor; Louis Napoleon, a furniture polisher; Charles B. Ray, a black minister. At great risk they operated the underground railroad in New York, a city whose businesses, banks, and politics were deeply enmeshed in the slave economy. In secret coordination with black dockworkers who alerted them to the arrival of fugitives and with counterparts in Norfolk, Wilmington, Philadelphia, Albany, and Syracuse, underground-railroad operatives in New York helped more than 3,000 fugitive slaves reach freedom between 1830 and 1860. Their defiance of the notorious Fugitive Slave Law inflamed the South. White and black, educated and illiterate, they were heroic figures in the ongoing struggle between slavery and freedom. Making brilliant use of fresh evidence-including the meticulous record of slave rescues secretly kept by Gay-Eric Foner elevates the underground railroad from folklore to sweeping history.�Dimensions: 14 x 15.2 x 2.5 centimetres (0.15 kg)彼らはほとんど知られていない歴史:シドニーHoward Gay、廃止派の新聞編集者;ルイナポレオン、家具ポリッシャー;黒人大臣のチャールズ・B・レイ。
Gay-Eric Fonerによって秘密裏に保管された奴隷救助の細かい記録を含む、新鮮な証拠を巧みに利用することは、地下鉄道を民間伝承から歴史を盛り上げるものにする。
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